


仅供新闻编辑使用。严禁商业使用。没有销售。2022年12月31日之后,未经肯辛顿宫事先许可,不得使用。照片的版权归威尔士王子和王妃所有。出版物被要求将照片署名为马特·波蒂尔斯。照片是通过许可的方式提供的,条件是:照片仅用于新闻编辑目的。不得用于纪念品或纪念品;或者任何颜色相似的东西。提供、发放或刊登照片不须收取任何费用。 There shall be no commercial use whatsoever of the photograph (including by way of example only) any use in merchandising, advertising or any other non-news editorial use. The photograph must not be digitally enhanced, manipulated or modified in any manner or form and must include all of the individuals in the photograph when published. The photograph shall not be used after 31st December 2022 without prior permission from Kensington Palace. Any questions relating to the use of the photograph should be first referred to Kensington Palace and before publication. In this undated handout image released by Kensington Palace on December 13, 2022, Prince William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess of Wales and their three children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis are seen in Norfolk, England. The photograph, which features on their Royal Highnesses' Christmas card this year, was taken by the photographer Matt Porteous earlier this year. (Photo by Matt Porteous/Kensington Palace via Getty Images)




图片来源:Getty / Handout