

她指出,她一直以来特别是“不知所措”的释放与心脏B合作,因为她没有“能够坐下来,只是祝贺自己。”"I dropped a song, I said everything I wanted to say, I make music that I like, that's important to me, and I make music that I hope helps people," she said. "I'm not making music for white people. I'm not making music for anybody. I'm a Black woman making music. I make Black music, period. I'm not serving anyone but myself. Everyone is invited to a Lizzo show, to a Lizzo song."

“我将继续是我。我将继续是一个糟糕的b *总胆固醇。”

尽管她已收到的负面评论,Lizzo补充说,她选择把重点放在积极的从现在开始。“我争取快乐每一天。我找快乐,这是我的目标。但在快乐,你悲伤,你疲惫,你愤怒,你会生气,你累了,没有安全感。的道路上快乐,所有这些停站。我只打算从现在开始关注积极的评论。我没有时间为你的消极。你的内在自我憎恨你项目到我和你的种族主义和fatphobia,我没有时间。无论如何,我将继续是我。我将继续是一个糟糕的b *总胆固醇。”

在采访苹果音乐Zane劳8月13日,Lizzo共享类似的评论身体羞辱。“我觉得脂肪是最糟糕的人可以对我说在这一点上,”她说。“这是最大的不安全感。就像,‘怎么敢流行歌手很胖吗?我必须的。”In addition to body shaming in the music industry, she noted that there are other industries where there are even bigger racial disparities. "There's still so many people who suffer from being marginalized systemically," she said. "Meanwhile, there's a plus-size Black girl at the Grammys. But plus-size Black women are still not getting the treatment they deserve in hospitals and from doctors and at work. We got a long way to go."

贝利Lizzo Instagram生活后,克洛伊,小姑娘艾略特,和更多的名人分享他们支持社会媒体,包括Lizzo合作者开襟羊毛衫B。“当你站起来为自己他们声称你的问题和敏感,”“WAP”说唱歌手写道。“当你不他们撕裂你,直到你哭。不管你瘦,大,塑料,他们总是试图把自己的不安全感。记住这些是书呆子看流行的表。”