
杰瑞·宋飞有一个像样的理由拒绝Kesha的拥抱。三天后发现视频喜剧演员刷牙一个拥抱的流行歌星本周传开,杰里解释了尴尬的遭遇在纽约的一个事件。“我63年。我不知道每一个流行歌星。我不知道每个人,”他说额外的确认,“我不是(劈理)。”He went on: "I was right in the middle of an interview; it was a little off. When you get to be my age and you've done a couple things, you have your own reality. In my reality, I don't hug a total stranger. I have to meet someone, say 'hello.'" "I gotta start somewhere . . . hug isn't first moment of a human, two humans. I never did that," he added.

周一晚上,喜剧演员出席了大卫·林奇基金会国家晚的笑声和歌声事件在华盛顿特区,并在采访94.7新FM Kesha跑到他的时候,问了他一个拥抱。“我Kesha !我爱你这么多。我可以给你一个拥抱吗?”她问道。杰里看起来有点吃惊,说:“不,谢谢,”Kesha恳求,“好吗?”Still, Jerry didn't budge, but it was pretty clear from the clip that Jerry meant no ill intent; he simply just didn't know who Kesha was.