

阿奇将繁忙的会议很多家人在未来几周内。金宝搏app肯辛顿宫在一份新闻稿中宣布:“女王,爱丁堡公爵,威尔士亲王,康沃尔公爵夫人,剑桥公爵和公爵夫人简•费洛斯夫人,夫人莎拉·麦克科考和斯宾塞伯爵已经通知,很高兴这个消息。”With Prince Charles and Camilla currently in Germany and William and Kate in Wales, there will be a few more exciting visit days ahead for Meghan and Harry. Meghan said, "It will be a nice moment to introduce the baby to more family. And my mom is with us as well." We're sure Archie has had lots of cuddles with his grandma Doria Ragland over the past few days, which Meghan described as "magic" and "special.