
说:“告诉我你的头发加布里埃尔联盟在视频共享Instagram7月11日。她穿着睡衣,骗子的扶手她的女儿Kaavia詹姆斯联盟韦德,他回答说:“我的头发是蓬松的。”Through a series of prompts — like "what's mommy's hair?" and "is it beautiful?" — the actor gets the 3-year-old to proudly praise her hair as she runs her fingers through it.

联盟说,这个例程的方法之一是她教她的女儿自爱,这是一个“全职工作,没有休息日,但我的方法这是一种爱的行为。”Union writes in her caption, "From the time Black girls are born, folks are checking our ears and nail beds to see how dark we might be or the incessant commentary about what 'grade' of hair our kids might have. All our parts are up for discussion and often times, scorn."

联盟一直强调自爱,特别是周围的头发,在她的父母。2020年,联合分享自己的照片和Kaavia当时只有一个,“摇摆他们的自然卷发。”She added, "Mama's got hair like yours." Confidence is also at the center of Union's second children's book, "Shady Baby," inspired by Kaavia. In her latest post, Union also shouted out "最完美的你,“一个新的图画书Jazmyn西蒙关于自我接纳。
