

在8月3日,“奥本海默”明星贴照片她Instagram故事后面的一辆车戴着绣花的毛衣,猫眼太阳镜,和语句海星耳环。她说:文字有问题,写:“有时候当我走出淋浴我看起来像人费李瑞,我爱它。”For those not in the know, Fieri is a famous TV chef known for his larger-than-life character and his short, spiky,bleach-blond头发

普一有问题才离开相似之处。她说自己的视频,沾沾自喜,正如她说标题:“只是说. .可能味道城镇的新市长,“费李瑞的签名短语。”或者我应该说…弗洛已经镇。”Now we love a pun just as much as the next person, and Pugh is a keen cook herself, having launched a "Cooking with Flo" YouTube channel during the pandemic. So, 'Flo'ver town could well become a reality if a foodie spiked hair collaboration comes up. We do have one question that remains unanswered though: was Pugh heading to a diner, drive-in, or dive?

Instagram| @florencepugh
Instagram| @florencepugh
