





柯里解释说,,他扔掉了t恤的每一个星期,他认为,“有变化。”This is how he came to create Akt Deodorant Balm, which started as an experiment in the kitchen of his Camden apartment. Fast forward three years — and countless iterations of the formula later — and Currie was finally ready to use his fellow West End dancers to test whether his deodorant was efficacious. Spoiler alert: they loved it.

“这是他们的反应真的让我们意识到是多么好,“Coxon说。“直到我们去RSC(皇家莎士比亚公司)看到一个玩,我的朋友卡罗琳昆汀(从男人行为不端)。她的丈夫是一个化妆品配方设计师,所以她把我们与他联系,然后使我们导师,只是有点更严重比我们想卖掉它在Etsy,这是最初的计划:让它滚刀,罐头包装,运输出来自己。”Their new mentor suggested they start a Kickstarter to raise some money —他们在一天内粉碎了他们的目标,到目前为止,已经筹集了近200美元。

最好的方式来描述Currie Coxon品牌,Akt伦敦,是说它的美丽。包装(从盒子里,管,甚至自定义铝盖)是可回收的,杜绝浪费,这是极其重要的。但除了它的功能和可持续性点头,包装也非常别致。

灵感来自他们的行业,字体设计是基于旧剧院广告牌,间距就像电影和电影院的迹象,甚至他们叫场景后的香味。我最喜欢的细节,不过,使用该产品的方向。“我们设置场景,”它开始。“你打开盒子,取出除臭剂香油。Akt持续一整天。但是你把它放在你的包。谁知道今天会带你。”It's this level of consideration and, let's be honest, cheekiness, that made me so excited by Akt — but to find out the product works? Well, I'm sold for life now, aren't I?

就像我说的,除臭剂乳香确实有效。当我问什么Akt神奇成分的功效,Coxon开玩笑说,“仙尘!”Coxon also explains that they never set out to create a natural deodorant per se, especially given the reputation that natural deodorants usually don't work — it was just a happy coincidence, he says. "We created something called Deo-Barrier Complex, which is a proprietary blend," Currie elaborates. "It's made of a combination of plants and mineral powders. They're all natural and they rest invisibly on the skin, so you won't ever notice them being there, but they absorb the sweat and wick it away from the skin." Coxon adds, You'll see a lot of natural deodorants use very similar ingredients to us. This is why we call it Deo-Barrier Complex. So, it's the right measurements of all the ingredients in the perfect amounts that we've spent three years figuring out. We feel we nailed it."

乳香是一个厚,dry-ish粘贴,很容易传播,而感觉奶油在应用程序中,它几乎立刻干下来。令人惊讶的是,Akt伦敦:出生执行除臭剂唇膏很好地保持我干一整天,这几乎是闻所未闻的不含铝的除臭配方。根据化妆品化学家的罗恩·罗宾逊BeautyStat化妆品,这是由于“小苏打(碳酸氢钠)以及氧化镁,也有助于吸收气味和湿润。”Robinson did also note that baking soda can be irritating for some people who have very sensitive skin, but Currie assures me that this was a key consideration when formulating the deodorant, to ensure only a small amount was used in the balm.

许多天然除臭剂闻女性、花卉或非常citrus-heavy, Akt的香水创建所有性别。在我看来,他们有更多的新鲜,泥土味,辛辣的笔记——我实际上想性感,比较这三种风格的香水,Le非饱和或马林+ Goetz闻名。“我们从不希望这是性别特定的,”库里说。“2020 -它只是因为它是一个好的除臭剂的对于任何工作。”


柯里还说,在创建除臭剂唇膏时,他们想知道为什么人们不喜欢腋下以同样的方式他们与我们的身体的其他部分,特别是考虑到高浓度的淋巴结。“我们想要的东西不仅运用除臭剂,但这是要按摩区域,鼓励正确微循环淋巴结和淋巴引流,”他说。“如果你这样做特殊按摩之后。一旦你这样做,你觉得很活泼的。”I can personally vouch for this and, thanks to the deodorant balm's coconut oil and shea butter ingredients, the massage is a lovely self-care ritual that feels good for the soul — plus, it spreads the deodorant's fragrance around my upper body, leaving me smelling fresh all day.
