

这么多朋友对他们的宫内节育器曼月乐经验大加赞赏真的,甚至我的医生鼓励我试一试。根据这些我和无数的在线研究,副作用最小。所以我信仰的飞跃,感觉希望这避孕选择是积极的。当然,插入一点也不好玩,但是我之前已经通过它当我有铜IUD。“你的痛苦容忍这么高!”My doctor applauded me. "Labor will be NBD for you." I walked away from the office feeling confident and self-assured. And I was so, so happy with the choice at first. Everything was awesome! I loved my job, loved my boyfriend, loved life!

之后,在毫无预兆的情况下,事情开始发生变化。它开始与体重增加。我是个好动的人,但几个月得到IUD后,我发现自己携带额外的15英镑。我甚至无法按钮顶部按钮我最大的牛仔裤。首先,我想,“好吧!没有汗水。”I hired a trainer, started eating healthier, and stopped eating sweets. The weight didn't go away, despite my best efforts. Instead of accepting this new body, I found myself frustrated and obsessed. I went to extremes to try and return to "normal." I gave up sugar and cut way back on drinking. I was getting stronger, but I couldn't seem to celebrate that.


我去我的医生三个月,她回答说,“哦。有一个调整时期。给它一些时间。至少六个月。”But by six months in, I felt like I was drowning in depression. I couldn't "feel better." At the time, I felt like no one took me seriously — which was a very scary thought to have. Worse, I felt like no one cared or could see that I was spiraling. Everything in my life was so great, so why didn't I feel that way? I was determined to make the IUD work. "It's paid for! It lasts so many years! I'm at fault for feeling the way I do, not my birth control. Get a grip!" I kept telling myself over and over.

我给了八个月。我从下面两个感染,决定恢复,“够了!”The one variable that wasn't working in my life was this IUD. I first confided in a few friends (who are licensed therapists) about what I was going through. Having that support and validation gave me the courage to move forward with the removal. I went to a different doctor. I burst into tears the second I entered her office. I couldn't believe I had gone against my intuition for so long. While she recommended that I take an antidepressant so that I didn't feel like "the rug was being pulled from under me," I opted not to.
