


凯莉解释说,这张照片后来在英国《每日邮报》报道,她承认你可以看到她的内裤”一点,“一个阅读的标题,“凯莉没有尊严”。In disbelief, she added, "Like you didn't just fully violate me."

凯莉化妆品创始人也召回了被狗仔队跟着她和肯德尔16岁时,一次当他们“试图得到一个反应我们。”"They would say the meanest things," shared Kendall, who remembered once being asked, "'Are you a whore just like your sister?'" She and Kylie also claimed that photographers asked, "'Hey, little sluts, are you going to have a sex tape like your sister?'" and "'When are you guys going to get naked?'" — referring to Kim Kardashian's infamous sex tape with Ray J.

在一个忏悔的采访中,震惊肯德尔说,“我是个处女。不能越相反的我是谁的人。但是,你知道,我认为我们成长为真正像样的人通过所有的奇怪,sh * tty我们见过或经历过的事情。”Kylie, meanwhile, said in her confessional that she's surprised she's still "a happy, normal person" with everything she's been through. She added, "I think having, honestly, a good family that's going through the same thing, you have such a great support system."

虽然两人似乎从这些事件以来,肯德尔开玩笑说,她仍然是寻找凯莉的照片的摄影师。“f *盛泰失败者,耻辱”她说相机。“你现在在哪里,兄弟?说真的,我真的想知道你的名字。”She added, "If you find the photos, let me know so we can track down this photographer, 'cause he sucks."