

这可能是一段时间,直到“大楼里只有谋杀”回报第三季,但别担心,自由一个新的惊悚片系列在保证能填补这一空白。“警惕”遵循“应许之地”明星马里埃尔Molino Elena桑托斯,一个年轻的女人与一个神秘的过去操纵她进入工作在曼哈顿Greybourne作为建筑师的同居保姆叫马修(沃伦·克里斯蒂)和他的儿子,贾斯帕(亨利·约瑟夫Samiri),马修去世的妻子。然而,埃琳娜很快得知她不是唯一一个秘密和别有用心。



艾米Acker加入系列马修的嫂子,保守党,他立刻不喜欢埃琳娜在她的到来。她的性格,涡流说,“她很保护她的家庭和(希望)保持他们的财富和他们的家庭秘密的安全。”金宝搏appAcker also notes that "there's a little history between Tory and Matthew that we discover over the season." She explains, "I feel like she kind of thinks maybe he's the one that got away, and she would like to be a bigger part of his life. And if that means keeping other people away from him, she's not afraid to do whatever she needs to do to make that happen."


”,你可能知道Nickelodeon的“所有”和“戏剧俱乐部,”说,他最喜欢的一件事表明“你期望意想不到。”He notes, "You never know what anyone's real intentions are, and you don't really know who you can trust. And so that's why it's really hard to tell, 'cause everybody's got something to gain from it and it's all about finding out who, and I think if I had to take a guess, Matthew is the one who's gaining the most from it, but he seems kind of pure, so I'm not sure."

克里斯蒂说,他最感兴趣的人物和他们都没有什么他们。“所有的人物都有自己的秘密,但这一刻化学艾琳娜和碧玉之间也许百叶窗他一些事情也许会指标在其他情况下,“克里斯蒂解释道。“他是一个人处理很多东西,然后她进来,她把这个呼吸新鲜空气,和的关系是如此的重要。”Ultimately, Matthew's focus is "on making sure his son's OK and that he's having a good life" after recently losing his mother.

“警惕”首映式上自由。在其核心,Molino说10-episode系列是“关于生存和生活的世界是不公平的。”Oh, and according to Acker, you should definitely be on the lookout for Easter eggs. She teases, "You're going to see that things that you had noticed at the beginning, or if you go back and watch, you might be able to find things that sort of could have led you to see what the truth was — if you pay close attention."



系列明星Molino Elena桑托斯,一名年轻女子聘为Greybourne同居保姆。Molino将她的性格描述为“一个非常狡猾,精明,聪明的年轻女子,有着复杂的过去。”She explains, "I think that she's trying to navigate this new world that she's going into, a very affluent society, and using the tools that she has to do so. But I think that she's going to run into a lot more problems than she thinks."

Molino还指出,埃琳娜”不只是有一个保姆。”She adds, "As the series progresses, we'll find more about her past and who exactly she's trying to get to. That's as far as I can say, but I can tell you that even though she thinks she's got a clear target, there's a lot of different targets that come in and out that end up dissuading her from her mission."




排演员”是艾略特,一个年轻的居民的Greybourne迅速形成与埃琳娜的友谊,和皇家读经文,金妮,保姆工作与Greybourne埃琳娜。据”,艾略特是“聪明,酷,真的。”He adds, "Like all teenagers, he has his own insecurities, and he's just trying to vibe out. And he is vigilant, so he does watch sometimes and he might catch something, but he's really just doing his own thing." Of her character, Royale says, "Ginny is a sweetheart first of all, which I think we see immediately in episode one, but she's definitely the fun, the sassy, the tell-it-like-it-is friend. I think this season we're going to see her decide where her loyalties lie, and that can go in many different directions."






