

我很好奇尝试味道,根据一份新闻稿应该包括“温暖的肉桂、奶油皮的味道,清新的新鲜苹果。”Not something I'd expect from a soda, but I was willing to give it a sip. After cracking open the newly designed liter bottle, I was hit with a strong apple scent and buckled in for a burst of that same flavor. Instead, I noticed the drink leaned more heavily on the cinnamon side, with a supersweet aftertaste.

有几个步骤,如果你有兴趣尝试这个苏打水。而不是寻找饮料在商店里,球迷可以输入赢得自己的瓶子百事可乐推特TikTok账户通过提交一张照片或视频的使用# PepsiApplePieChallenge和@Pepsi后发酵失败。首批1500名消费者进入资格赢。