
孩子们可以最严厉的批评。这样的情况在心脏B的家庭她为她的整个家庭做病毒辣碗后。金宝搏app“如此如此的病毒spicybowl是为了我的孩子,”她标题5月3日TikTok,引用她的丈夫前采购收货成员,抵消。“希望YALL试试! !”She started by chopping up some sausage and adding "lots and lots" of hot sauce and chili flakes on top, panning to Offset, who watched her cook with a concerned look on his face.

接下来,她小心翼翼地搬到泡菜,尖叫着向他们更容易减少。“好了,所以我们把泡菜汁,”她说,将所有的原料投入一个特百惠容器,以及一些辣椒和pepperoncinis。“这是一团糟,但是f * ck,”她开玩笑说她工作。收尾工作,她还把香蕉辣椒汁,熏辣椒粉,黑老湾调味,调味料,煮鸡蛋。

一旦辣碗已经完成了,心脏震动一起搅拌的容器。她然后问抵消他们的两个孩子Kulture(4)和波(1),测试她最后的创建,为他们加油助威品尝它。“等等,让我把他水!”Kulture said as her dad dipped his fork in, already anticipating the dish's spice. After his first bite, Offset gave his nod of approval, eating the spicy bowl with Wave on his hip. Kulture was up next, but her reaction was not quite as positive, scrunching up her face and screaming when she tried Cardi's meal. But despite the critical response she received, Cardi was a good sport, laughing in the background the minute she saw Kulture's face. Watch the family below, and learn how to make Cardi's spicy bowls yourself.