

是的,21分钟木板。我的意思是,一个两个分钟木板就足以让我的abs颤抖。文澜是怎么做到的,更重要的是——为什么? !

她的目标,她告诉POPSUGAR,部分是简单的:加强自己的核心。作为一个跑步者的10年,现在跑步教练,文澜知道“力量训练是一个巨大的,重要组件为了更快、更强”。Core strength, she explains, gives runners "更稳定和平衡跑得更快。”Millan also loves the feeling of hitting new PRs and hitting her goals. "You just get so hooked," she says. "You want to be better and better."

怎么变成一个21分钟板吗?文澜说这是一个目标,她已经努力了三年。不过,它起初是无意的。她做一个或两个核心的例程一个星期,之下套一或两分钟板是以及侧板是。最初,文澜开始做长木板”来找到痛苦的力量,因为这是我们需要练习耐力运动员。”She worked her way up to longer times, starting with a seven-minute plank, then progressing to 10, 12, 15, and finally 21 minutes: her new personal record.

21分钟板材,令人惊讶的是,“没有坏我认为这将是“文澜告诉POPSUGAR。她说她心理准备遭受重创,“但实际上,我只是专注于听播放列表我了。”The playlist was 17 minutes in length, and she was surprised when it ended and she was still feeling strong. When she finally looked at the stopwatch, she saw she'd been holding the plank for 20 minutes — longer than she'd planned. "I knew I could go deeper, so I did that," Millan wrote in anInstagram发布。“终于打破了当我的小一个[在]。”


文澜出来的经验比以前更多的启发。“这对我来说并不容易,但我证明,我可以,”她告诉POPSUGAR。“这绝非易事,但它更多的是一种精神比物理限制!我鼓励每个人都不舒服,你可以真的了解自己更多如果你不避免。”It won't happen overnight and we definitely don't recommend trying a 10-minute plank right out of the gate. But if you're inspired by Millan's accomplishment or just want to push your own boundaries, you can build up to longer holds in the same way she did. Build up slowly, work consistently, and you might be surprised by what your body can do.
