


理查森在外观上道歉今天周五早上和对萨凡纳格思里说,“我想为我的行为承担责任。”She ingested marijuana as a coping mechanism after a reporter told her that her biological mother had died. "That sent me in a state of . . . emotional panic," she said on今天,并补充说她“情绪所蒙蔽,悲伤蒙蔽。”

7月1日理查森在推特上:“我是人类。”Although her chance to compete in the 100-meter race for Team USA in Tokyo is in jeopardy, she could still run the 4x100 relay with the women's team. After her positive test, Richardson has been disqualified from the 100-meter event at Trials. Her one-month suspension will be finished in time for the track and field events later in the Games, but it's still undetermined if she will go to Tokyo and represent Team USA.