Lizzo TikTok提醒我们身体积极的运动是由对“大女人”

Lizzo从来没有害羞时公开庆祝她的身体和激励我们爱我们,所以我们没有感到惊讶当她这TikTok身体的积极性。在看到一个视频@sheismarissamatthews说:“我真的不明白为什么我不能只存在于我的身体,“Lizzo答复说身体积极吸取了所有的身体运动。虽然媒体是庆祝所有尺寸,包括媒介女孩和那些“偶尔得到滚,”Lizzo说,“胖人仍越来越短的运动。”They're still getting "memed, shamed, and no one cares anymore because body positivity is for every body."

Lizzo不是说人们不应该对自己的身体感到积极。她只是想提醒我们首先创建这个运动——“大女人,棕色和黑色的女性,女性酷儿。”She said in the caption, "Please use the body positive movement to empower yourself. But we need to protect and uplift the bodies it was created for and by." She added: "Our bodies are none of your f*cking business. Our health is none of your f*cking business."

这里是@sheismarissamatthews感激回应Lizzo Tiktok: