看到凯拉Itsines从未婚夫Jae Woodroffe明亮式切割的订婚戒指

凯拉Itsines说:是的!的健康影响私人教练Jae Woodroffe只是订婚,抱着她巨大的订婚戒指可能算作手臂运动。Itsines和Woodroffe宣布Instagram的激动人心的消息通过分享他们的照片并排微笑作为Itsines炫耀她的新摇滚。“当你知道,你知道,”Woodroffe标题下的职务。戒指有一个又大又圆,明亮式切割钻石的六个尖头叉子和一个白金为乐队。它避开今年的受欢迎的订婚戒指的趋势支持一个更永恒的设计永远不会过时。

很明显Itsines是喜欢她的经典环;Woodroffe出现大问题后,她发了一个特写,Instagram的故事它在阳光下闪闪发光的照片,写道:“太完美了。”She also shared how her 3-year-old daughter, Arna — whom she shares with ex-fiancé Tobi Pearce — reacted to the news. "If anyone was wondering what Arna did when we told her she said 'owww wow mummy! I love your ring! I wish Jae would buy me one of those.' So @jaewoodroffe went and bought her a pack of 35 'diamond' rings," the汗水应用创始人写道。
