

和你的孩子讨论选举可以是一个困难但重要的对话,有时他们甚至会惊讶你一些意想不到的问题。在《深夜脱口秀》斯蒂芬·科尔伯特坐在他的办公室地板上回答一些“紧迫”的全国儿童的提问感兴趣学习更多关于民主。“奶酪可以投票吗?”7-year-old Rhys asked, really kicking the segment off with a hard ball. Stephen's response? "Cheese can vote, so long as it is American cheese and aged at least 18 years. And, of course, cheese tends to vote in blocks. Gouda question."

作为干酪斯蒂芬的一些回答,这些孩子不害怕继续问“重磅”问题只有孩子才能想出。“如果我当选总统,我将被允许把白宫刷成粉红色和紫色?”6-year-old Eva Jean asked. Watch the hilarious video here to see what Stephen had to say about giving the White House a makeover and to watch him expertly explain third-party voting to a 3-year-old.