

周六夜现场父母在这段时间有一个消息:“让孩子喝。”In a sketch called "Song For the Kids," which quickly sparked conversation on social media, the cast members joke about some advice for families. "Let kids drink, just like Mom and Dad," they sing. "If they got a little buzz on, would it really be that bad?" Cut to scenes of toddlers drinking from a不同的瓶,婴儿拥抱了酒。

甚至迦得的Josh加盟奥拉夫的客串,唱歌,“现在这里有一个睡前故事:伏特加,苏打水,酸橙。”Watch the video, which includes so many memorable lyrics: "Let kids drink, just a couple sips. They'll be happier and funnier, and they'll fall asleep by six."