



一个常识性的方法将帮助你保护你的孩子的听力(自己的)。跳过时装秀的前排座位,看着烟花从远处看,你感觉不到振动的地方。特蕾莎修女美国读者建议,你也可以通过覆盖保护小耳朵:“拿东西保护你的孩子的听力,就像。一些耳罩。”Holly agrees: "We took my now 21-month-old to an air show when she was 5 months old and we got her some ear muffs for the section of the show with the jets. She had a great time and still loves her muffs to this day!" No baby earmuffs? Just use your own hands.



一些婴儿,像Tonda F。的儿子,着迷于彩色显示:“我儿子看到他们3个月和爱他们,没有害怕。”Malinda T.'s son had a great time, too: "He loved the fireworks. He was laughing and kept putting his hands up, trying to catch them in the sky!!"

其他婴儿,然而,害怕噪音的刺激和明亮的灯光。格温c .继电器:“有些宝宝会非常害怕噪音/明亮的灯光和开始哭泣。”It's good to have a plan B, as Sabrina W. suggests, whether it's going inside or watching the show fairly close to your car so you can leave quickly if need be: "Just [have] a quick escape plan in case they scare her."