
马丁•斯科塞斯:世界著名电影导演,编剧,演员,制片人,截至本周,TikTok新星。周二,78岁的好莱坞图标和女孩的父亲做了一个有益健康的外观他21岁的女儿弗朗西斯卡的TikTok,参与视频名为“有我爸爸猜pt.1女性物品。”Using the green-screen effect to display each item, Francesca challenges him to identify various cosmetic products, and it's quite the cinematic masterpiece.

马丁后准确地猜测前两个对象——一个睫毛夹和一个Beautyblender事情需要大幅左转时,他自信地宣称一个月经杯是“一个酒壶,”又一个花哨的饮酒器皿,改变主意决定之前,它可能是“一个眼杯”。Next up, he declares that a pair of nipple pasties are "earbuds," but he swiftly redeems himself when an image of a bobby pin appears on screen. "You're wasting my time," he jokes, adding a sassy "Yeah" when Francesca says, "It's a bobby pin."

TikTok弗朗西斯卡共享视频后,言论的评论部分淹没数百TikTokers之外的人在这里可爱的内容。“这家伙似乎idk为什么他会非常不错的电影,”一个人打趣道,而另一个写道:“2021年最佳影片”。Here's to hoping Francesca and Martin turn this into an ongoing series, because we need more, and we need it now.