
克里斯汀贝尔说她的女儿与对方“很多”。Growing up as the oldest of three girls, I understand that energy more than I'd like to admit. The的好地方女演员谈到林肯之间的紧张关系,8日和δ,6日,最近Instagram和显示一个特别温馨的时刻,爱兄弟姐妹优先而不是战斗。我们都可以学到一些东西。


克里斯汀说她女儿坐下解释“在生活中,我们有一个选择。”She told them, "We can spend our time on hate and fear(revenge, grudges, gossip, etc) or we can spend our time on love and kindness(nurturing, smiling, showing thankfulness)." A few hours later, she spotted Lincoln and Delta taking her words to heart. "I found them at the table writing each other letters with effusive love language. 'Look mama, how we are choosing to spend our time!'"

即使这和平是短暂的,克里斯汀将享受宁静。“我知道这不会持续,他们将在明天再彼此尖叫发誓,但今天,我的内容。”We take the wins where we can get them!