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Watch Grace Warrior Laugh at Bindi Irwin Singing US States

Watch Grace Warrior Giggle Through Mama Bindi Irwin Singing the US States Song

Bindi Irwin and Chandler Powell's daughter, Grace Warrior, may begrowing up in Australialike her mama, but that's not stopping Bindi from teaching her girl about Chandler's home country, America. Chandler shared a video of Bindi singing the US states to Grace while the 3-month-old giggles away uncontrollably — and it's so dang cute.

"Our little Grace Warrior learning about her dad's home country from her beautiful mama," Chandler wrote in the caption. "P.S. Bindi wanted to send a shoutout to New Hampshire! Grace's laugh was too adorable to remember every state!"

In Grace's short time earthside, the little one has already had so many exciting experiences, includinghaving a bird sanctuary named after her at the Australia Zoo, called Grace's Bird Garden. "She loves adventures, and she's such a happy, inquisitive little person," Bindi said of her daughter in June. "We can already tell: She's definitely an Irwin."

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