

有很特别的东西,关于Zayn马利克的人声“Pillowtalk。”As the first single from his solo album我的脑海里在2016年,这是一个情感窥范围作为一个独奏艺术家;搭配音乐视频吉吉哈迪德主演呼,这是美丽的!快进几张专辑和几年后,我们提醒我们非常爱这首歌的原因。3月22日,Denisha道尔顿把自己的课程自旋在盲目试镜的声音,除了让人印象深刻。

凯利克拉克森尝试出售这位22岁的歌手在德克萨斯州的连接。布莱克谢尔顿称赞她的天赋和“打破”她并与她的声音“无价的。”But John Legend smoothly swooped in with a reaction that spoke to Dalton. "What you did just felt so authentically you. Your smile is infectious. Your style is infectious," he said, eventually leading her to her decision. Dalton's performance was so compelling, it deserved all the praise. Watch her cover of "Pillowtalk" above.