

J Lo帖子15岁生日礼物为她“漂亮、才华横溢”双胞胎,马克思和艾玛

好莱坞,加州- 1月18日:詹妮弗·洛佩兹也出席了洛杉矶的首映式'视频“猎枪婚礼”在TCL中国剧院的1月18日,2023年在好莱坞,加州。(图片由艾玛·麦金太尔/盖蒂图片社)

詹妮弗•洛佩兹的双胞胎,马克思和艾玛穆尼斯,是15 !multihyphenate妈妈公布甜在纪念他们的第15个生日礼物Instagram在2月22日。洛佩兹共享的幻灯片的照片在他们的生活,他们与从未从私人时刻他们分享照片和视频。适当地,视频配乐泰勒•斯威夫特的“十五(泰勒的版本)。”

洛佩兹在标题写道:“祝我生日快乐美丽,才华横溢的椰子。”She continued, "I am so proud of you both in every single way. You bring so much joy and happiness to my heart and soul. I love you beyond forever." Photos and videos in her post included shots of both twins singing (including Emme's appearance in洛佩兹的超级碗中场休息);镜头的婴儿;一些他们的照片洛佩兹的丈夫,本·阿弗莱克;和许多片段的孩子和她在不同的显示后台。

在2022年的一次采访中“生活与凯利和瑞安,”洛佩兹共享很甜的原因她总是叫她的孩子“椰子”。It all goes back to when they were babies. "I still call them coconuts," she shared. "I think that they like it. I like to think that they like it. It's cute. I call them coconuts because obviously they're twins; there's two of them. And when they were in the crib — they were very, very little — their hair looks like coconut hair. You know, on a coconut. So, I used to call them coconuts, and it just stuck."

