

她补充说,像很多母亲的婴儿,她睡不着。“小家伙睡整觉了。但我还是做那件事,我醒来,每小时90分钟,只是徘徊。你一直想要看那个婴儿,”“小妇人”导演解释说。“所以我在朦胧状态。”要did not reveal her infant son's name.

她第二次怀孕宣布了这一消息在12月出现在《今晚秀主演的吉米·法伦。”At the time, the multihyphenate was starring in Baumbach's newest film, "White Noise." "I went to an event recently, and I wore something that I thought everybody would be so interested to know that I was going to have another child, and nobody cared," she joked at the time. "It didn't get reported on. Which, turns out, nobody's paying attention to you."



要新产后也当她是促进“小女人”在2020年奥斯卡比赛。当时,她反映英国Elle她早期的母亲,说:“无论你准备什么,你如何认为,据我所知。”She noted that before she gave birth, she thought that maybe she would still wear her old, non-nursing bras in between breastfeeding sessions, but that wasn't the case. "You have to believe that, alongside your new life, your older life is going to continue – and then you realize with stunning clarity that that's not true," she explained. "I think you have to not know that, to be able to do it."