
NBC不会播出明年的金球奖好莱坞外国记者协会正在进行的争论。周一,nbc环球发布声明说,它认为“HFPA致力于有意义的改革,”但是,“如此大规模的改变需要时间和工作,我们强烈地认为HFPA需要时间来做对。”Still, NBC isn't writing off all shows just yet. "Assuming the organization executes on its plan, we are hopeful we will be in a position to air the show in January 2023," the statement added.

在今年的仪式之前,洛杉矶时报有两篇文章公开透露,HFPA没有黑色的成员和“被指控的道德缺失。”Shortly after, the HFPA released a statement in response, saying, "We understand that we need to bring in Black members, as well as members from other underrepresented backgrounds, and we will immediately work to implement an action plan to achieve these goals as soon as possible."HFPA还承诺13%黑色的会员明年的金球奖。
