


汤米·伊根期待已久的“权力”续集终于在本月Starz首次亮相。新系列爆炸后拿起季节的一个结局“权力书二:鬼”和领带回到母公司。后失去了他最好的朋友,一生的爱,和他唯一的城市,汤米(由约瑟夫Sikora)交易在他的黑暗过去在纽约芝加哥的新冒险在“权力书四:力量。”There, he gets acquainted with new crews, new foes, and new rules on his quest to become the city's biggest drug dealer.


根据执行制片人50 Cent,“权力书四:力”是一个“自然剥离”的“权力”的宇宙,尽管近两年其前身结束后到达。“我认为这将是第一个,”Sikora告诉POPSUGAR剥离的时间表,他补充说,他的激动,球迷仍渴望看。“我认为这只是一个令人难以置信的证明背后的创造性力量的进化“权力”的世界。我自豪的是在这样的人才和住在这个角色,找到汤米没有任何东西。”

Sikora的话说,续集系列发现一个“骗子和流氓Southside牙买加、皇后区(世卫组织)已被迫离开他会考虑他的灵魂,他的生命血液,和他的皮肤——纽约。”What results from this stems from the death of his childhood friend and former partner in crime, Ghost (played by Omari Hardwick). The last time we saw Sikora's character, Tommy had just escaped a murder charge by faking his own death to get authorities off his back. However, Tommy adds another enemy, Monet Tejada (mjb),他的竞选名单后在出城的路上他试图杀死他的教子,塔里克圣帕特里克(迈克尔·雷尼Jr。)。有这么多人反对他,汤米打算离开他心爱的城市在他的后视镜,希望一个新的开始。

像许多热情的“权力”的粉丝,Sikora渴望看到他的性格的故事最终去的地方,但它花了一些耐心看到它通过。“50(分)会告诉你,他告诉我,只是放松,来了,”他告诉我们。“50的一切承诺,它发生。”For Sikora, the most thrilling part of Tommy's new journey is seeing how he takes control of his new environment in his own way. Between Ghost and Kanan (played by 50 Cent), Tommy has already been through hell and back, but now he's finding his footing in Chicago on his own terms. "There's no backup. There's nobody to call. He's got to do this himself. He's got to build from here," Sikora says. "So that's going to be the exciting part for the audience. How does Tommy put everything together? How did Tommy get to be the Tommy that we saw in episode one of 'Power'? Now we're going to get to see how Tommy puts things together and makes his own organization."




“你知道已经成功了,你只是想让我们告诉一个故事中不同的章节,“安东尼·弗莱明III(饰演JP吉布斯)补充道。“这是荣幸掌握并成为它的一部分。它只是一种兴奋与这个宇宙,因为它接管。”Self-proclaimed "die-hard" "Power" fan Kris Lofton (who plays Jenard Sampson) describes being a part of the show as a "surreal" feeling and even adds that he feels he owes this moment to the show's fan base, considering the long wait.

除了性,毒品,暴力,rock ' n '辊方面我们喜欢权力,“球迷是另一个很好的选择。“我从来没有见过这样的球迷,”艾萨克键(饰演钻石)惊奇地讲话。“球迷们对于这个宇宙,他们道歉,他们诚实,他们固执己见。我认为这是伟大的谈话,因为如果你不谈,那么你是无关紧要的。”To Keys, the fan engagement makes the show that much more riveting, especially as an actor — even if it does put the cast in a more vulnerable position to be critiqued. "As actors, we have to understand that we're playing a character," he says. "We just want to bring life, authenticity, and passion to [these] characters to give these fans something to watch because that's who's most important."



就像“权力”继续遵循汤米新篇章,那么Sikora角色名称时,是在公共场合。在这一点上,Sikora说,“我已经习惯它,[和]我穿它视为是一种荣誉。”That alone speaks to how powerful (pun intended) the "Power" universe has grown to be. "Power Book IV: Force" has a lot of high expectations around it already, but the cast have no doubts that it will meet, if not exceed, fans' standards. "I think we're going to be the best spinoff," Lili Simmons — who plays Claudia "Claud" Flynn — declares. "I think the fans are going to get what they want and then some."

