
麦当娜的女儿Lolahol J !mmy让“爱我还是”视频


Lolahol,又名卢尔德“劳拉”莱昂,把我们更多的新音乐。后释放她的首张单曲,“锁定键”,上个月,麦当娜25岁的女儿最近联手在布鲁克林区的艺术家J !mmy新歌,“爱我,”提供了一个音乐视频由乌克兰总监Alyssa Trawkina掌舵。

Trawkina告诉POPSUGAR通过声明,“爱我仍然是一个歌唱never-quite-ending恋情的回忆随着时间的流逝,和庆祝的东西通过了。”In the video, Trawkina "animates the energetic track with dynamic, radiant visuals that follow Lola, J!mmy, and entourage on a journey between longing and coping through the city and nightlife of New York."

Trawkina Lolahol描绘成一个“相当悠闲的”人,并补充道,“她知道她想如何看起来像和有很强的创造性的朋友圈围绕着她,支持她在实现。”Of collaborating with the young artist, Trawkina says: "What stood out to me is that she's very connected to movement and her body. It was like a dance between her and the camera. Sometimes very literally. But what I mean is she is just moving very intuitively with it, which makes it a lot more fun to operate, because now you can get creative and playful. You don't have to make it work. It just all works. And I think you can really see that in how dynamic the video came out."

