

帕默股份,她不知道故事的领衔人物爱丽丝,她最终得知谁是免费的。“我猜这是显然Krystin版本林登的观点,”她说,并补充道,“但我觉得这是我应该知道历史的东西。事实上,我没有是一个巨大的原因为什么我想做电影。”The film takes place in 1970s Georgia, nearly a century post-slavery (or many are taught).



“是的,我们回顾历史,会有一些艰难的部分,”帕尔默说,“爱丽丝”。However, she notes, "There's a way for us to still talk about our historical past in America and not feel traumatized or not feel that we're watching trauma porn or that we're watching something that's trying to trigger us." The movie evokes "empowering feelings and thoughts in terms of moving forward," she adds.

帕默也挑战人们观点的现代语境下的电影“感觉如此充满希望”“八年与巴拉克•奥巴马”,大步向“更大的包容性。”Amid that joy, the Black community is still suffering from racism and violence. "It's so many obvious polarities in the world right now, and I think the way that 'Alice' shows the past, but also shows the movement during the 1970s — it's very similar to where we are now," she says. "There's always going to be hardship. There's always going to be trying times, but you have to look for the silver lining. You have to look for the hope and the faith in order to move forward . . . Hopefully, it can be a good feeling to look at the past as a way to move forward."


“他很好。他是如此温暖。他这样的爱和感情,我[说],所以尊重,”她和钦佩。“我认为在处理我处理的主题,一个敏感的空间,我有爱丽丝。。。他的能量,他的态度和他的照顾女人是如此明显,需要我在这个过程中。所以,我将永远爱他。”常见的's character similarly mirrors that level of care for Alice, who is in an emotionally taxing situation.
