

如果你爱”唐顿庄园”,HBO的“镀金时代”可能已经在你的雷达。由“当通”的朱利安•费洛斯夫人,历史戏剧描绘了上流社会的生活- 1800年代纽约。所以,新节目基于一个真实的故事,还是纯粹的小说?字符是完全虚构的,这个故事背景和时代探索绝对不是。


过去几十年的1800年代创造了“镀金时代”。In general, the era was marked by the rapid growth of industry, an influx of European working-class immigrants, and growing wealth inequality. As a result, railroads and related industries exploded, labor accidents rose sharply, and trusts began forming, leading to developments like the rise of labor unions and antitrust laws.



“镀金时代”的绰号来自马克吐温的书,“镀金时代:今天的故事。”In it, Twain and coauthor Charles Dudley Warner compared the current situation in America to "gilding," which is a process in which a thin layer of gold is applied over some other, less valuable material to give the appearance of luxury and wealth. Similarly, they argued, the last few decades of the 1800s were a period of serious problems masked over with a "gilding" of economic expansion — but only for a very few elite.





“定居家庭较为温和。他们住在华盛顿广场的房子没有巨大的。他们生活体面的生活,这是纽约社会Fellowes解释说:“娱乐周刊”。"But for the new arrivals, that wasn't enough for them. They wanted to do something bigger and better. They started to build these palaces on Fifth Avenue and gradually pushed further north. So you had these great rivalries between the new families and the old."
