


“没有什么比你更重要的投票权,”米勒说。“人们为投票的权利抗争到底。超过1亿人有资格投票上次没有投票。”Parker followed the disappointing statistic by adding that less than one third of eligible youth voters cast their ballots during the last election. In order to increase voter turnout this year, the trio encouraged everyone check their registration status,做他们的研究关于如何投票的国家吗,使他们的声音在11月3日

桑德森姐妹还召见他们施放一个魔法的魔力和同步任何人看,希望说服他们投票。“我们希望每个人都将会和投票的魅力!”I Am a Voter's Sahar Sanjar said in a press release. "Our mission at I am a voter is to create compelling and positive content to reframe the conversation around civic participation. We are inspired by [Midler, Najimy, and Parker's] activism and using their powerful voices for good!" Watch the spellbinding video below.