
这已经不是什么秘密“兴奋”是一个非常雄心勃勃的旅程。街之间的Zendaya荒谬的警察追逐青春期前的烟灰缸(Javon沃尔顿)有一辆防弹摊牌特警队,现实和幻想之间的界限往往变得模糊的系列。但莱克斯(莫德阿帕图)true-life-inspired玩《我们的生活》(根据演员的高中,她玩在现实生活中产生),是节目最大的创造力。在真正的“兴奋”的方式,一切生产太过火了。剧作家神童把我们抓的最后两集两个季节与所有游戏的精致的风景和昂贵的道具。当然,最大的问题:莱克斯的预算是什么世界? !


程序Cheeseman领导在他的富裕郊区高中在利马,哦,是“自给自足”时资金。“有时我们有钱,有时候我们没有,”Cheeseman告诉POPSUGAR他之前的作品。“你从任何地方拼凑的服装可以让他们,和我们建立了我们所有的集自己。”He adds that, in his experience, he and his team were also responsible for paying for nearly everything themselves by fundraising for each play — which included covering costs for ticket sales, promotions, costumes, sets, and props. And nothing moved without first submitting an official budget sheet. "High schools are incredibly technically organized," Cheeseman explains. "I had to put forth a budget every year that the school approved, and I had to do all the record keeping of monies, where I brought it in, and what I spent it on."



美元金额仍不清楚,但“兴奋”年代生产设计师,杰森·鲍德温·斯图尔特,澄清为什么像Broadway-level生产。“我们把保持设定的规则在高中水平,”他对秃鹰。“这是更有趣的,看看我们能做什么。”Director of photography Marcell Rév also adds that the play isn't meant to be based in realism, but instead to serve as a reflection of what high school students envision when they put on plays — something Cheeseman echoes as well. "No, I don't think [Lexi's play's budget] is realistic at all, but I also think that's okay," he says. "I think for the teenagers, that's how they see it. They absolutely think [plays] are lavish and if you do it right, as the director and teacher, they think it's polished and wonderful. They sense the glamour and production of the whole experience, and they remember it for their whole lives."



“真正的答案是没有多少学生的能力,奉献精神和能力,“Cheeseman解释道。“在我的学校,我们做了一些student-written作品,所以它并不少见,高中。但我们总是在小的独幕剧的事情。”It certainly seems like Lexi's play lasts much longer than your average high school production, so that aspect still raises a few eyebrows. However, in the grand scheme of things, her play falls in line with "Euphoria"'s imaginative plot. Lexi's talents shouldn't be underestimated or underscored, no matter how far-fetched her production appears to be. "Adolescents and students are capable of so much more than the actual institutions give them credit for," Cheeseman concludes. "We simply shouldn't ignore the fact that students are able to do that and are capable of it."