
它的开始泰勒•斯威夫特的新时代周二,她给了球迷的一瞥在纽约的时间100年春晚。这位29岁的歌手——谁杂志最具影响力的100人”名单今年,有幸在春晚表演,加上哈立德,和她唱支安打,包括“精致”和“风格”。"When you write about your life, it lets you process your life . . . good or bad," she told the crowd. "I use my writing as an armor."

斯威夫特是特色之一六个封面一年一度的时间问题,她第三次在名单上。肖恩·门德斯陪这个问题写了一篇文章,赞扬的歌手“数以百万计的人们创作音乐的工作看起来简单。”"It all comes from her — her belief in magic and love, and her ability to be as honest and raw as possible," he wrote. "She's the master of putting the perfect amount of thought into not overthinking, and that's why her music connects so well."
