
泰勒·詹金斯里德球迷,喜乐!Netflix早在2022年3月宣布调整里德的畅销小说《七伊芙琳的丈夫雨果》拍成电影。当时,流光共享适应将利兹Tigelaar写的,曾作为其他showrunner book-to-screen适应“小火无处不在”和“小美好的事物。”网飞公司also revealed that Reid will serve as executive producer on the film alongside Margaret Chernin. And on June 29, the highly anticipated movie finally got a director: Leslye Headland.

岬联合Netflix系列“俄罗斯娃娃”娜塔莎Lyonne和艾米·波勒,和导演2015年的浪漫喜剧“和别人睡觉。”She also created即将到来的《星球大战》电视连续剧“助手”。

对于那些好奇期望即将到来的“七伊芙琳的丈夫雨果”电影,Netflix的简介写道:“在一个期待已久的一位年轻记者采访时,伊芙琳雨果,老龄化的好莱坞明星,拉起窗帘在她七婚姻,她告诉好莱坞的故事丑闻,背叛,和悲哀,她对自己的生活揭示令人震惊的事实和她周围的每一个人的生活。”There's been no official casting news just yet — though fans have many names on他们梦想的演员表- - -还没有消息当粉丝们可以期待看这部电影。

里德的书在2017年首次发布以来,种植大量的粉丝。那一年,它赢得了Goodreads的选择奖历史小说,成为BookTok常年最喜欢的。自由的改编,但以前的工作里德确认在2021年,他们不再有一系列的作品。与此同时,瑞德的另一个小说,“黛西·琼斯和六个。”被改编成电视连续剧Amazon Prime视频和今年3月发布。许多里德的其他书籍也有改编的作品。

早在3月,瑞德给了Netflix的电影剧本的认可。当美联社问她是否曾经担心她庞大的故事如何融入电影,她承认,“我做到了。”But, she explained, "Then I read the script and I'm not concerned . . . Liz Tigelaar, who wrote the script, is a phenomenal talent, and I said, 'I don't know how you're going to do this. I think you need to condense the story.' And she said, 'No, I don't.' ... And then she turns in the script and I was like, 'I was wrong. You were right. You got it.'" She added at the time that there was a "short list of women" she had in mind to play Evelyn and Celia St. James in the film.