“陪审员的义务”的法官Alan Barinholtz“Nepo爸爸”:满足他著名的儿子

球迷立刻爱上了“陪审员的义务”罗纳德·喜悦和他的甜蜜的友谊詹姆斯·马斯登在系列,但是还有另一个“陪审员的义务”好莱坞明星有一个主要连接:阿兰Barinholtz。Alan恒星的法官系列,发放房间里判断(也是赞扬喜悦如此慷慨的季大结局)。在最后一集,艾伦是戴着“深夜与赛斯迈耶斯”的帽子,这使他著名的家庭的线索:艾伦的父亲是喜剧演员艾克和Jon Barinholtz。金宝搏app艾克最出名的是他的工作显示像电影中“明迪项目”和“姐妹”和“邻居”,而乔恩出现在“超市”和“美国汽车”。

艾克实际上世界上解释了他爸爸的到来在3月8日的表演面试“深夜与赛斯迈耶斯。”Ike stars in the new Hulu series "History of the World: Part II," and his dad Alan has a small role in it.


“所以我们把他录音,我的哥哥和我都喜欢,他的好,和他订了,”艾克记住。”,它不是一个飞行员,这是一个系列。”The show was "Jury Duty." "And apparently he's amazing in it," Ike added.




艾克称赞他爸爸之前显示4月首映,写作InstagramOmg,“我只是看# juryduty @amazonfreevee主演@james_marsden和好莱坞天真无邪的少女# alanbarinholtz这个节目不仅仅是搞笑,我说因为我的父亲是法官。看! ! !”Ike has also shared other photos of his dad on social media, including this photo from Father's Day 2019.

艾伦也打开了他的节目4月7日事件iHeart的“后,莫奥凯利。”"Everybody said that Ike or Jon put their thumb on the scale," Alan said about his status as a nepo dad, but he wanted to clear things up. He was coming out to LA for Thanksgiving, and the trio had mutual friends who Alan had done some legal work for before. He added that sometimes when Ike and Jon do improv in Chicago, he'll join them on stage, so he wasn't a total newbie to the comedy game.

“这连接来自芝加哥,她的姐姐在一家showrunner在洛杉矶工作。showrunner问她姐姐,你知道任何律师或法官,退休或半退休的,有一些即兴表演排吗?’”他回忆道。他的朋友说:“我认为你可能知道他的儿子,但我知道艾伦Barinholtz。”They asked Ike if they thought Alan would be interested, and he helped his dad film a tape. Alan spent three months in Los Angeles for the show. "Now I'm a member of the Screen Actors Guild, and I formally moved out here last October," he shared.

莫奥凯利还问他是否认为显示准确地描绘法律程序是什么样的,他指出,他和假律师的法律经验,和他们试图做事情从程序的角度来看。”"Not withstanding the comedy, I think the viewer will come out with the jury system actually works, and when you trust your faith to 12 women and men, you'll see that it's a great system — with a ton of laughs," he said.
