

奥多姆检查自己的康复在1月初工作在一个月之后在他的“身心健康”。It looks like the former LA Lakers player is taking all the right steps to maintain his sobriety after他几乎致命的过量在内华达州妓院2015年10月,但似乎他完成康复只是其中的一小部分。拉马尔,难以应对他的“恶魔”他的婚姻Khloe·卡戴珊从2009年到2013年,开辟了从他的吸毒在接受采访时他和他的孩子们的关系医生周二。

拉马尔承认他现在知道如何更好地应对众多他一生中遭受损失,包括2006年他6个月大的儿子杰登的死亡。他还透露,他的孩子,拉马尔jr .)和命运,拜访他在康复中心帮助他通过他的“临界点”。In another clip, Lamar's team reacts to his revelation that he wants to patch things up with Khloé. "That didn't surprise me one bit," said Geno, Lamar's friend and sponsor. "What we want is what matters to us, and I know that relationship is real. The longer that he's sober, the more that love comes back." No matter what happens, it appears that Lamar has truly turned a corner.
