传奇的脱口秀主持人Jerry Springer死于79年

传奇的脱口秀主持人Jerry Springer去世,享年79岁。斯普林格齐名的“杰里施普林格”显示在1990年代成为轰动,经常批评和赞扬等量的禁忌话题白天的电视。POPSUGAR在一份声明中,施普林格的家人确认主机“和平”在芝加哥郊区的家中金宝搏app去世。


之前他作为脱口秀皇室,施普林格的律师和政治家。他曾在1970年竞选国会失败但当选1971年辛辛那提市议会。委员会在1977年,他被选为市长一年。然后施普林格已成为一个政治记者和评论员辛辛那提WLWT,他提出了他的签名档:“照顾好自己,和对方。”He eventually became the primary news anchor and managing editor.

1991年,WLWT发起了“杰里施普林格”,这是仿照“唐纳修。”In 1994, the show retooled toward tabloid content. Often, people confronted friends and family about topics like sex, adultery, or other taboos, and things often exploded into violence. "Jerry Springer" ended in 2018, and a year later he debuted "Judge Jerry," which was canceled in 2022. Spring also appeared on "The Masked Singer" in 2022.

施普林格在2022年11月的一次采访中说,他觉得他的节目“破坏了文化”。bet188服务中心On an episode of the”背后的天鹅绒绳子”播客,主持人大卫Yontef问他是否认为自己的“真人秀”的爷爷。Springer didn't want to accept the title, and said instead, "No, I just apologize. I'm so sorry. What have I done? I've ruined the culture," per内幕。他开玩笑说,“我只是希望地狱不热因为我真正容易燃烧。我很light-complected,那种让我担心。”
