


本最喜欢的记忆之一,他的父亲是当他们出席本的女儿艾拉四年级玩。当他问杰里他的思想的表现睡谷的传说他爸爸说,“我不在乎。”"'Ella was amazing . . . Ella had the commitment and she was shining up there, but I didn't feel the rest of the kids were up to it,'" Ben shared with a laugh. "It's so funny because it really bothered him!" Check out the interview above to hear more of the actor's sweet memories of his father.

纽约- 2月11日:本·斯蒂勒和杰瑞·斯蒂勒到达帮助海地惠及本·斯蒂勒基金会和J / P海地救援组织在城市禅宗中心Stephan维斯工作室2月11日,2011年在纽约市。(照片
盖蒂Michael Loccisano |