
# OscarsSoWhite一直是争议今年的奥斯卡的电影长大的是冷落信条,由迈克尔·乔丹。他的配角,史泰龙,然而,不是冷落,最佳男配角。不是没有沉重的心情史泰龙出席奥斯卡,奥斯卡午宴,史泰龙承认他想到如果他跳过仪式信条主管赖安。Coogler想让他。


史泰龙说:“我与瑞安Coogler当它的发生而笑。我说,‘瑞安,你想怎样处理这件事呢?因为我真的相信你负责我在这里。迈克尔·乔丹,我每次看他的眼睛作为一个演员,我说,“他让我更好的。”I think he should've been given a lot more respect, a lot more attention.' [Coogler] goes, 'Sly, just go there. Try to represent the film. We feel you deserve it.' I said, 'If you want me to go, I'll go,' and he goes, 'No, we want you to go.' That's the kind of guy he is. 'We want you to go and respect us and stand up for the film.'"