


多尔夫曼,他最近庆祝她30岁生日、共享她的伴侣是“第一个[她]的女人,在很长一段时间。”"It's affirming, it's safe," she said of her relationship. "But also not safe because being in love is so scary. So uncomfortable and so painful. All the universal feelings of being in love I feel that are probably the same." She explained that while she knew she was interested in women since high school, she hadn't really explored those feelings. Prior to meeting her current partner, she told herself, "This is the year that I'm gonna go on some dates with girls and feel that out again and not feel ashamed about it."


多尔夫曼曾嫁给彼得Zurkuhlen五年,直到他们2022年2月提出离婚。这两个据说在2005年第一次见到通过一个共同的朋友,11年后,他们在波特兰喜结连理,我。她谈到她的婚姻在播客,解释之前重新自己作为一个女人”,她做出的决定不符合[她]究竟是谁。”She said, "I probably got married for the first time, now that I'm reflecting on it, for safety because it felt just like a safe, secure space that I could carve out for myself in a world that was ever-changing."