
斯嘉丽·约翰逊是一个骄傲的两个孩子的妈妈。“小行星城”明星女儿股价上涨多萝西和她的前夫Romain Dauriac婴儿都市性与丈夫科林Jost。事实上,Cosmo出生几个月后她开始着手“小行星的城市,”,她透露,6月与她的演员在片场Cosmo很受欢迎


“我的丈夫和孩子来设置,因为我们刚刚有一个小宝贝,”她解释道。Cosmo出生于2021年8月,影片进入生产。“有些人有合作伙伴了。大多数人,我想。很多人有了孩子,但是也许有点老。”She added that Cosmo was basically the "set baby."



约翰逊也打开了她为什么让她怀孕主要秘密在2022年3月的一次采访《名利场》解释,她不想“感觉受到公众的眼睛。”"I wanted to be able to have my own feelings about my changing body without other people also telling me how they saw me, whether it was positive or negative," she explained. She added that people put a lot on pregnant women, "And while I was definitely excited to be pregnant in some ways, I also had a lot of not-great feelings about it, and that would be scrutinized by — I'm talking about, like, women that were close to me." She also added that there's "a lot" on her plate, but she's "pretty good at delegating" to make sure every part of her life gets the attention and care it deserves.




2020年3月,“婚姻故事”明星告诉她致力于教她的女儿为什么重要的是要关心环境,特别是食物浪费。“我想提醒她的其他人的生活方式和她的行为如何影响他人是开始的地方。”Johansson also revealed at the time that Rose would be serving as her flower girl in她的婚礼,科林2020年10月,庆祝。

Cosmo Jost



他补充说,他和约翰逊没有大宝宝专家,解释,“每个插座是敞开的,有些是旧的,在那里他们baby-finger大小的洞。”Instead, he said, "My number one fear for what could happen to him — eagles." Specifically, he said, he's worried a hungry bird will swoop down and attack the baby. "We go for walks and I'm scanning the horizon. I'm on eagle watch," he explained. "And then we go for a walk, and she's got Cosmo in the stroller, and Scarlett puts a little hat on his head that has mouse ears on the hat. And I'm like, 'You're dressing our baby like food.'"

早在4月,约翰逊反映在她生一个孩子的感觉比拥有一个蹒跚学步的孩子容易得多。当她的女儿还在蹒跚学步时,她告诉的“瘦机密他&她播客”,玫瑰“持续的情绪波动。”But of Cosmo, she said, "Having a baby is so lovely. They're so cute. They sit there and they love you and then that's it. And you just get, like, love from them, whereas you get a lot of grief from toddlers."