



“啊,“MADtv”是一个梦想成真,”奥尔蒂斯说。“这只是一个季节和八集,因为它就像特许经营的重启。我的意思是,这一过程非常激烈,因为你必须有自己的材料。我从不认为自己是一个作家。”But after the show ended, Ortiz found herself struggling to find work, something she didn't anticipate happening after landing such a major gig. It was a dark time. She started questioning if she even wanted to continue pursuing a career in acting. "So it was like, OK, maybe this isn't realistic. Like, maybe it's time to quit," she says.

但经过一年的听力除了nos,奥尔蒂斯终于开始得到一些答案。她在“代理S.H.I.E.L.D.得分的角色”、“我觉得你应该离开与蒂姆·罗宾逊,“Netflix的”Gentefied”、“Tacoma FD”和“尼基,瑞奇,围嘴和黎明,“之前降落在Hulu的“傻瓜。”Ortiz's character, Maggie, is so much more than just Julio's on-and-off girlfriend. She's quite complex. There's a part of her that's deeply attached to Julio and his family, even though you can tell inside it's eating away at her own happiness. But the thought of not being a part of Julio's life seems at the moment so much scarier to her. Who Maggie is without Julio or his family is something she's still figuring out. Ortiz brilliantly brings out all the nuances and paradigms that exist within the character.

“一开始当我读到它,我读到这样的性格真的洛杉矶东部Cholita与丙烯酸指甲在杂草药房工作,你问他们的意见喜欢什么样的杂草,但他们真的不知道屎,”奥尔蒂斯说。“然后回调,他们送我一个小纸条,玛吉是一个听朋克摇滚的小鸡。我就像,不可思议。是的,我喜欢现在更好。”While Maggie's character fights for the relationship until the very last episode of the season, there's also a part of her that acknowledges that it has become stagnant. There's a part of her that doesn't trust that Julio actually wants to be there. And yet she still can't find it within herself to end things and move on.


“玛吉是聪明和独立。我们不太了解她的背景故事。也许我们会在两个季节。但她完全依附于胡里奥的家人。金宝搏app她认为他们更多的是自己的比她自己的,”奥尔蒂斯说。“她是一个律师。她有她自己的公寓。所以她是一个独立的女人。但她是互相依赖的胡里奥高中以来的一切。”Maggie's fixation on making the relationship work almost serves as her way of distracting herself from her own individual problems. Ortiz was very intentional about how she wanted to present her character. "The most important thing about Maggie for me was the look," she says. "I really wanted Maggie to have that alternative rocker-chick vibe, because I feel like we never see goth rocker Latinas on TV."




降落后这个角色,奥尔蒂斯也是很重要的,她的创作自由真的发展玛吉的性格和带她出去。“所以当我订了这个,我当时想,好吧,我们明白了。我们得具体,幸运的是,克里斯和策划人是完全开放的,”奥尔蒂斯说。“你知道,他们是人,所以他们不在乎那么多化妆品等等。但是我喜欢,相信我。这是很重要的。人们会注意到男性和女性。”Ortiz also wants audiences to note that the series is set in South Central LA, which Estrada himself was very adamant about. "I feel like this show is gonna resonate with everyone, not just Latinos and not just working middle class and lower class," she says. "If anything, I think maybe instead of thinking about it racially, maybe we think about it in this socioeconomic class spectrum, because it's about the rehabilitation of ex-prisoners. So, like, it's flipping the stereotypes. It's what happens afterward, right? How do they assimilate back into society? How does their past inform their future? We never see that."


今年夏天,奥尔蒂斯主演在费尔南达加贝Fuentes Coppel玩“国王莉斯,”跑整个夏天在西洛杉矶的格芬剧场。她是否在一个强烈的戏剧和喜剧,一件事Ortiz愿望是让她的粉丝真的觉得她把每个人物的背后发展的热情。她还希望人们去一个地方,他们欣赏和赞美一个节目或电影大多Latinx扮演一个好的节目或电影而不只是作为一个“Latinx节目。”Our stories deserve to finally be seen as part of the mainstream. Because our stories are just as relatable and just as American as a white person from middle America's story.
