
周二,米歇尔·奥巴马和Zendaya联手当我们所有人都投票“s”注册并准备好“Instagram收购鼓励大家投票。在他们开始之前,米歇尔不能错过一个机会祝贺Zendaya历史艾美奖赢说,“你赢得艾美奖和鼓励选民参与。你是一个时尚偶像。你所做的一切,我很为你骄傲。”The pair then discussed the importance voting in the upcoming election and how it would affect young people specifically.

米歇尔发表了讲话Zendaya这一代说,“很多人你的年龄。沮丧的过程和系统感到孤立无援。”With Zendaya adding, "Sometimes we procrastinate — and I wanted to talk about the importance of not waiting until the last minute," in reference to making voting plans and looking up polling places ahead of time. "Nothing will change just by a hashtag or protest," Michelle stated. "In this democracy, the only thing that matters is what you do on Election Day . . . I just want to make sure young people understand that. Don't ever stop using social media and the hashtag to get your points across. You just have to couple that with voting, too." You can watch their full talk above.