


拉娜秃鹰是这么多比所有的男孩劳拉吉恩·柯维。只有24岁,女演员是一个手表。我们知道她的主导作用在浪漫喜剧系列,但拉娜还补充道“监制”她的简历。她的工作在即将到来的Hulu的票房系列拿出来兰德尔公园和即将到来的Netflix喜剧系列嘘,婊子。最重要的是,我们很快就会看到她在rom-com-meets-sci-fi HBO马克斯电影标题月球探测器除了科尔Sprouse,她形容为“一个很棒的家伙,一个了不起的朋友,一个不可思议的演员。”Lana caught up with POPSUGAR while promoting her粉红色的最爱品牌的打开。她告诉我们学习生产现场,是否我们可以指望她所有的男孩都剥离XO,基蒂,她的精神处理的所有项目。

嘘,婊子是第一个显示拉娜的产生。她告诉POPSUGAR,“这是一个完全不同的经验比我,但是我学到了很多,我觉得我永远不会是相同的。”She added that she's been pushing herself outside of her comfort zone when choosing future projects because her past three years have mostly been about To All the Boys. "I love that world with all my heart, but when we were picking, when my team and I were mapping out projects for the future, we were like, 'Let's just have every single one of them be wildly different and challenging for you because you've been doing the same thing.'"

她补充道,“[产生]非常受不了,因为它就像学习一门全新的技能在工作中。这是有史以来最大的数量的暴露疗法”。Lana felt like she had a crash course in producing on the set of嘘,婊子,她分享。“但这是可怕的。我学到了很多,,是的,它伴随着挑战吗?肯定的。主要是因为我从来没有这样做过。有很多我不知道的事情。但在节目上我学到了很多。我真的让我的位置只是一个海绵,让我只是尽我所能学习。”When it comes to Lana's producing role on the set of拿出来她说,她“非常感激”“处理这些令人难以置信的生产商。”Producers Park, Michael Golamco, and Hieu Ho are behind the project under their all-Asian production company, Imminent Collision, something that was very important to Lana.


拉娜的即将到来的项目,您可能想知道:“但XO,基蒂? !”Netflix confirmed in October that a TV spinoff series about Lara Jean's younger sister, Kitty Song Covey (played by Anna Cathcart), has been green-lit for 10 half-hour episodes. Lana told POPSUGAR the spinoff is "fricking exciting," adding: "I lost my mind. Anna deserves it like no other. She is incredible. She's a wonderful human and incredible actress. She is, dare I say, the comedy in the movies. She is incredible. So she deserves it fully. And I'm so excited for her. It's obviously very fresh." No further details about casting were announced. Will Lara Jean make an appearance inXO,基蒂吗?拉娜的猜测是和我们想的一样好。“这是一个孩子现在没有人走近我。但我等待电话!”We are, too!

拉娜的喧嚣是令人钦佩的,她绝对是一个敢作敢为的类型的人!所以,她如何处理?“当我不得不优先考虑我自己,我需要快速和方便,而不是感觉势不可挡。甚至只是谈论心理健康能感觉到压倒性的,因为感觉这么大的事,”她说。“东西背靠背在我的日程安排和很多,我没有很多的时间。”Lana's also taken quick mental health and self-care tips from按暂停与粉红色,一个项目中创建一个伙伴关系和杰德基金会来支持这个假期的人。期待着假期,拉娜共享她的建议粉丝们挣扎在这段时间。“不管你怎么独自一人的感觉,你不是,”她说。“你不是。你应该落在你的朋友,在你身边,依靠他们的支持。”She added: "Don't be afraid to ask for help.有资源”。你可以看看拉娜的最新项目含酒精的饮料。请继续关注;她是在2022年接管。
