拉娜秃鹫和Anthony De La Torre分享他们如何知道他们的爱情:“我只是觉得安全”

拉娜秃鹫和Anthony De La Torre不正式结婚了,但他们似乎已经知道一个成功的婚姻的秘密:妥协。采访中POPSUGAR推广亚马逊的邮购信息平台,两人透露,他们已经牺牲一切,从他们的结婚礼物。“我喜欢奶酪和安东尼有乳糖过敏症。我的生活围绕着奶酪,”“所有的男孩我以前爱”演员说。“的一件事,我们从我们的婚礼注册这是熟食店,但只有我可以沉浸在。”The musician, on the other hand, loves espresso. Condor adds, "I'm not the biggest espresso fan, so he can get his own little espresso machine."

秃鹫学习的价值从她的父母妥协,玛丽和鲍勃。“我的父母告诉我,什么是婚姻的全部妥协和能够分享,”这位25岁的说。实际的婚礼策划过程也被秃鹫和De La Torre之间均匀分布。“我觉得这是很平等,如果不是更倾向安东尼规划一个像样的数量,”她继续说。De La Torre补充道,“我们在那么多的看法一致,它是相当容易的到这一点。”

另一件事,他们能同意吗?记录的球员。秃鹰喜欢亚马逊的结婚注册的“大规模的投资组合,”但一切,她和她的未婚夫是最兴奋的转盘。“每当我们去别人的家里,他们有一个转盘,它立即把家里连在一起,“秃鹫解释道。“你就像,‘噢,这些都是很好的人。最终,我只是希望人们会认为,当我们主机,我们很酷。”De La Torre adds, "It'll make us appear classy and like we have it all together."

创纪录的秃鹰是最兴奋的打在她的新转盘De La Torre即将推出的EP,他说将“2月或3月”。"I personally would love to listen to it as a record," she says, dropping hints that De La Torre should opt for a vinyl release. "I think that would be amazing." Condor continues, "He's so talented, and I've been witness to just how hard he's working and the countless nights that he's stayed awake all night. I have peeked my head into his various writing sessions. To be honest, I personally like to think that I inspired some of his music, so that's really nice, too."

秃鹫De La Torre说的职业道德是“的一个原因,我爱上了他的。”She notes, "When he gets his mind set to something, he executes it in the best way that he can." But it isn't all work and no play for the couple. They love to dance things out at the end of a long day, which is another reason why the turntable is the perfect gift. "Sometimes at night, Anthony and I will have just a two-person dance party, and so we usually will turn on some sort of Marc Anthony or something like that to dance to," Condor reveals.

秃鹫和De La Torre第一次见到在2015年一个艾美奖聚会,和他们在一起。”和拉娜在一起的第一个月,我们约会,我觉得这是第一次,我让我的警惕和墙壁,”De La Torre说。“我觉得安全。不是戏剧化,但我感觉很安全。”For him, there was no question that she was his future. "You don't really have a doubt about it," he says. "It's just like, 'Yeah, this just makes sense.'"

秃鹫表达了类似的观点,说他们“立即相处。”She notes, "It was very obvious that we kind of just vibrated on the same frequency within the first . . . well, I want to say first month, but I'd say less than that." After their first meeting, De La Torre decided to just dive right in. He recalls, "I was just like, 'Hey, I know I'm supposed to like . . . play it cool and wait . . . but do you want to hang out again tomorrow?'"

De La Torre的情感上的可用性是“一个巨大的吸引力对我来说,“秃鹰说。“安东尼总是说,如果有人喜欢你,他们会用自己的方式去你身边。他非常的证明。没有游戏玩。一切都很透明。我认为他的透明度是我非常惊讶,没有真正经历过。”


De La Torre,秃鹫1月份宣布订婚。他们的婚礼将发生在2023年的春天,它会包括狗和in - n - out汉堡。“我们肯定会有主要食物的游戏在我们的婚礼上,“秃鹰说。“这绝对是聚在一起。”