


“我们知道我们想要结婚,我认为,从我们开始约会的第一个星期,“看来在采访中表示谦虚,添加巴蒂斯特计划正式提议数月,不管她的健康。“他对我说,‘我想是非常清楚,我不是建议你因为这个诊断。我花了一年的设计你的戒指。我想让你知道的是,这种诊断并不能改变什么。我只会让它更清晰,我想致力于这个和我们在一起,”她回忆道。“但一旦我们意识到这个小窗口在骨髓移植前,我们决定去吧。”After successfully applying for a marriage license while having a catheter placed in her chest, they exchanged "I dos" with bread ties as rings in a "tiny" and "perfect" ceremony.

巴蒂斯特描述了使他们的爱情官方在看来癌症治疗的第二轮谦虚作为一种“挑衅行为”。"The darkness will try to overtake you, but just turn on the light. Focus on the light. Hold onto the light," the 35-year-old songwriter said. Jaouad added that their last-minute wedding provided "love and positivity" that "carried [them] through" her medical procedure. "We walked into that bone marrow transplant unit on cloud nine," the 33-year-old writer said. "That sense of community, that sense of love, that sense of joy and spontaneity were so important."
