


好莱坞,加州- 07年2月:演员乔·阿尔文在牛奶工作室参加汤姆·福特AW20 07年2月,2020年在好莱坞,加州。(图片由迈克·科波拉/ FilmMagic)


在最近的一次采访中《卫报》,“与朋友对话”星透露,得分斯威夫特的格莱美奖“民俗”专辑是一个“超现实的封锁的奖金。”According to Alwyn, his contributions to "Folklore" — which included cowriting "Betty" and "Exile" using笔名威廉•鲍厄里——是一个有机的一部分夫妇手上有更多的自由时间在2020年的封锁。


主要的区别是,而不是做面包,这对夫妇最终格莱美获奖专辑手上。在一个也许《GQ》采访阿尔文解释说,他为什么选择使用一个神秘的笔名“民俗”及其后续,“永远”。"The idea was that people would just listen to the music rather than focus on the fact that we wrote it together," he said. The actor doesn't have any future plans to write any more Grammy-winning hits, but he is grateful for the experience he shared with Swift. "It was fun to do it together, and I was proud of it. It was nice getting such a positive reception," he added.


特别,她告诉她的其他“民俗”杰克合作者Antonoff和国家的亚伦Dessner演员“钢琴弹得漂亮,他总是玩,在编故事,创造的东西。”That includes the piano portion of "Exile." Additionally, she credits him for coming up with the chorus to "Betty," which led to them collaborating on the rest of the song. "I just heard Joe singing the entire full-formed chorus of "Betty" from another room. And I was just like, 'Hello,'" she said in the special. "It was a step that I would never have taken, because why would we have ever written a song together?"

