
Jason Momoa构成夏威夷航空公司空姐

Jason Momoa姿势作为一名空中乘务员和惊喜夏威夷航空公司乘客

Jason Momoa夏威夷旅行从洛杉矶到他的家乡在8月1日,不久前专程为了庆祝他的水务公司Mananalu与夏威夷航空公司的合作伙伴关系。在飞行期间,演员惊讶毫无戒心的乘客通过假装是一名空姐,宣布他的存在对演讲者然后传递出Mananalu海域。

旅程在视频拍摄和记录由导演达米安•布雷,而Momoa共享Instagram页8月3日。它开始于一杯而Momoa走出黑色车,微笑。“一大早。它应该是一个美好的一天,”而Momoa说。“我要回家去夏威夷的婴儿,我们做一些很酷的,很酷,就像这一切是如何开始的。”The word "babies" refers to his two children,洛拉伊奥拉尼和Nakoa-Wolf (他和谁前妻莉莎·博内特

然后他解释合作背后的目的,是为了减少一次性塑料垃圾瓶子。“为什么我们不能有铝吗?有苏打水,有闪闪发光的啤酒、苏打水,饮料。为什么我必须要有这个小单小水?”他继续说。“我要发表声明在夏威夷航空公司。我兴奋我要回家了。”From there, the video shows him passing out the water bottles to astounded passengers on the flight before having his "Oprah moment" and presenting them all with free miles, courtesy of Hawaiian Airlines.

在视频的标题,他感谢夏威夷航空公司的机会,他描述为“梦想成真”。He also elaborated on his eco-friendly mission. "My idea to create @Mananalu.water came to me while on a flight," he wrote. "We're on a mission to end single-use plastic. Drink one, remove one — For every bottle of Mananalu sold, we remove one plastic bottle from the ocean. We have removed 3 MILLION plastic bottles from the ocean this year. Don't stop making waves to save our beautiful planet. aloha j".

