




约翰逊在视频中写道:“谁想坐在万塔的腿上?呃,这只是龙舌兰酒的声音;)Get the cookies, mistletoe & @teremana ready #NaughtyListers4TheWin Merry Christmas Eve, my friends ❤️."


约翰逊一遍又一遍地问他的女儿们他看起来酷不酷,她们在帮他穿芭蕾舞裙之前向他保证确实酷。不幸的是,芭蕾舞裙对他的腰、腿甚至头来说都太小了,所以他被迫把它当帽子戴着。"First morning back home with my tornados ️ and by 8am they insisted on giving 'Dwanta Claus a make over before Christmas' ," he captioned the first video. "I haven't seen myself in the mirror yet but if I look as cool as I FEEL RIGHT NOW, then IM WINNING BABY ♂️ Dwanta needs a tutu . . . and his DIG-NUH-DEE ."

He then went on to caption his tutu-fail video, "Lastly, the little tornados ️ wanted Dwanta Claus to wear a tutu for his Christmas make overBut the tutu would only fit over ONE of Dwanta's legs So they scrapped the wig and wanted Dwanta to wear the tutu around HIS NECK like a scarf But Dwanta's head was so big we couldn't get the tutu down to his neck so he was forced to wear it like a crown But most importantly, Dwanta said There's NO WAY this gets posted on @instagram ❌ Btw, has anyone seen Dwanta's dignity? ♂️."

图片来源:Getty / Pablo Cuadra