小甜甜布兰妮笔新公开信Jamie Lynn:无条件的“我爱你”



“杰米林恩…I don't think your book is about me at all ... I said some harsh things because you obviously hurt me by the things you are making up about me !!!" she wrote. "When I said only a scum person would make up things like that about someone, I could have sworn I said "but you are not" ♀️♀️ ... but it doesn't make sense at all to me what you are saying !!! I know you worked hard for the life you have and you have done amazing ⭐ !!!!! But I think we would both have to agree to the fact that the family has never been remotely as hard on you as they have been on me !!!"

“我佩服你的坚强……只知道我爱你,我想你知道已经超过任何东西! ! !”

布兰妮也指责杰米做得不够帮助结束她13-year-long接管。"I think the thing that saddens me the most is that when this all happened to me and when I called you from that place ... you would take days to respond !!! You would just text me days later and I was so scared ... I needed you ... my family, my blood and you guys did absolutely nothing UNTIL a year ago !!! I said something on Instagram and you and Bryan showed up at my house ... because of an Instagram post !!! THAT makes me the saddest "

她继续说道,“说什么你想说只知道我知道你的真实的心❤️超过任何人! ! !生活是你的,你应该得到一个美丽的人生! ! ! !我希望我能做你正在做的事情,做面试! ! !我害怕所有的……我佩服你的坚强……只知道我爱你,我想你知道已经超过任何东西! ! !”



周五在后续tweet,布兰妮叫她姐姐出去蹲一个“全新的低水平”。She tweeted, "I've never been around you ever with a knife or would I ever even think to do such !!! The only knife I ever saw you with at home was cutting the biggest pieces of squash I ever saw in my life and it was way too big for me to cut ... So please please stop with these crazy lies for the Hollywood books !!!"

布兰妮继续说道,“现在,只有我知道只有人渣的人,会有人....弥补这样的事情我很困惑关于你,因为它是真的不喜欢你! ! ! !在孩子吗? ? ? ?杰米林恩,严重? ? ?加油! ! !恭喜你姐姐介绍的概念越来越低……低……最低……因为你赢了,宝贝! ! ! !”




